jaade water


Since 2023, Jääde has been dedicated to creating a world that promotes hydration, wellness and sustainability for future generations.

As a young company, we have a unique opportunity to lead by example. The progress we have achieved with our initial products in the market is evidence of our commitment to sustainability. From packaging to sourcing, sustainability lies at the heart of everything we do at Jääde.


Jääde Bag-in-Box delivers our lowest carbon footprint in water packaging yet. By providing high-quality natural spring water and prioritizing minimal environmental impact, the Bag-in-Box solution stands out as one of the best and most sustainable choices. Compared to PET bottles and other packaging forms, it can save up to 80% in raw material consumption, significantly reducing the overall supply chain footprint.^

BIB also save storage space and improve logistics efficiency, significantly reducing carbon footprint. The BIB comprises 75% corrugated box and is fully recyclable, with the bags themselves crafted from 53% renewable and recycled materials. The design allows for easy separation of the box and bag, facilitating efficient sorting and sending of both components into current recycling streams.

^A study conducted in 2018 in Life Cycle Assessments (“from cradle to grave”)


Sustainability extends beyond material usage to include how we treat our water sources. That’s why Jääde draws only 1% of the water collected in Lahti, ensuring that our activities do not impair the natural renewal process of the water.

Taste the Joy of
Nordic Nature

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